Creating in shack by the big blue…

There was a little tin shed. It became a shack.. a beach shack... full of jewels from the sea, shell mobiles drifting in their own time ... the ‘shack time’ slow and meditative.

Nestled behind Redbill beach in Bicheno Tasmania, this shack became where my paints could fly and music would play in the wind and I would dance, especially when a painting found the end of its story and I could place my brushes down, in a knowing that all is done and experienced, for now.

Two paintings “ Pelagia “ and “ Panthalassa” were created in this salty place.. I’d disappear into my little studio next to the bedroom, and every now and then, bring them out to the lounge and rest them against a wall and ‘ take them in’... feel what was saying was the next step.

A small space it was ... it was all I needed to create, to feel, to move, to become the painting in a sense.

It was there where I found those East Coast waves literally pounding on the white shores and fiery granite rocks seemingly urging me on, taking me deep.

Sometimes...pondering ...Why did it feel like it was a calling to the home of the sea .. a memory even...

Each stroke I place on a canvas feels as though it’s a message for me and transferred then to others as they watch and take in the ‘feel’ of my colours, cloth, feathers, shells and pointillism. 

The ‘place’ I paint in, blends into each moment of creation to canvas. An echo... a gentleness of feeling .. a knowing. The oceans deep old songs penetrate my very being where at times, I seem to blend and let go totally, into its raw wildness.....


In awe…

