In awe…

“It was the walking on the winding path
In anticipation of what would unravel before my eyes
Each new morning laid out in front of me
Which direction shall I look today ....
Which picture will take flight into my sleepy morning eyes

Baby rabbits running out from their hiding place
Reminding me of my childhood story books ...
Ducks proudly waddling with a sturdy chest and talking under their breath
Their plume catching the suns glory with each sure step
The native hens urgent and like the wind
Fast and focused and erratic at times

That’s before I even enter the serenity of the Aqua blue
Before I begin what nature gives with all her heart
An orchestra of fish and seaweed of colours, movement and beauty that surely I must pinch myself to be so blessed to witness their world as I swim in solitude
On this new day my day .
I am in awe...

My body shudders as the waters cool night air lingers in amongst the currents
Tiny brown grey darts of shimmer dance as I dive down
Colours wrapping my cold body
blankets of light
Through canopy

Feathery touches
Seaweed connects
Winding, grasping
letting go
As my flesh tingles .
Teasing me
Saying ‘stay stay
You know you must ‘......


Creating in shack by the big blue…